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Suggested articles are always welcome!

If you would like to submit an article for publication on the AuxComm website, please send final drafts of your work as plain text in the body of an email to the webmaster with the word "submission" in the subject line.

If you are submitting an article for republication, please send the original URL with the text of the article in the body of the email.

Include your name, contact information and, if appropriate, a brief bio. We read all submissions and will contact you as soon as possible if we are going to publish your article.

We will republish articles that have appeared in other publications with their permission, or if the author currently holds the rights.

AuxComm Article Submission Guidelines

We encourage articles:

  • about emergency preparedness or disasters.
  • describing upcoming trainings available to members.
  • with specific training and preparedness information we can use at AuxComm.
  • describing locally autonomous examples of successful preparedness models.
  • with links to references and further information.( In keeping with journalism standards, we strongly encourage including external links to substantiate assertions. References must appear as embedded hyperlinks. Click for YouTube How-To)

We discourage articles:

  • that are mostly promotional or public relations pieces for other groups, especially national or international groups.(If that's only a section of the article, we can edit it out and provide a link to the original.)
  • consisting of unsubstantiated opinions or devoid of references.

We reserve the right to edit original submissions for length or accuracy and provide “Read More” links when necessary. We will check back with you on edits, if you so request.

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